After investing countless hours in courses, books, and guides, as well as honing my skills on LeetCode, we came to the realization that interview preparation can be an incredibly time-consuming process, not to mention the stress of actually passing the interviews. In light of this, I created a one-stop platform that covers both Algorithms and Data Structures and System Design interviews. While it may be tempting to tout this platform as a “holy grail” of interview preparation and claim to hold secret knowledge, our product is the result of a year of hard work optimizing the process to help you fully prepare and excel in just 4-6 weeks - an average pace for both courses. Our goal is to streamline the technical interview preparation process and help you confidently kick ass in your interviews. There are three simple steps for you to take (or just one if you prefer to leave the site immediately - we’re always optimizing!):

  • Check problems solved on Posts and see if you like the explanations there
  • Check Course Content too see full list of problems and content for both courses
  • Ready to invest in your interview skills and come step closer to those salaries your mom’s telling your cousin is making? Go to Store

To answer your question: No, you don’t need to be at a competitive programming level to take this course. We’ll start with the basics, and gradually build up your skills step by step. Even if all you know are a few basic for loops and if statements, we’ll help you get to where you need to be. Our courses are designed to be accessible to anyone who wants to learn, regardless of their current skill level. So don’t worry if you’re not a seasoned pro just yet - we’ve got you covered!

For any questions or improvement suggestions, contact us .

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